About Us

Our vision is to ensure basic human rights, dignity, and flourishing for people with developmental disabilities who require substantial support.

We believe that all human lives have value and that everyone should have access to safe places to live, work, and play. People with developmental disabilities who require substantial support should have access to safe homes near their loved ones. Additionally, they should have access to medical care, appropriate education, community leisure settings, and places of worship within their communities.

We aim to achieve this by providing professional and parent training, offer behavior assessments and support, and advocate for better legislative support.

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We aim to achieve our mission by providing behavior assessments and support to facilitate access to healthcare, appropriate housing, and community leisure activities.

Additionally, we offer educational opportunities for community members to understand the history of discrimination against people with DDs, learn about current community supports in Texas, and implement practical strategies to improve services.

We train parents and families on accessing state-funded services and enhancing care access, which in turn improves employee attendance and reduces insurance premiums.

Ultimately, we will advocate for legislation to sustain community group homes for individuals with DD, including pay raises for direct support professionals (DSPs) and better systems of intake and access to services for families in crisis, with specific pay increases for DSPs working with high-need clients.

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